Art Chakalis (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 09:39:47 -0400 (EDT)
One added comment about Bob Shlaer's set-up. As I recall he had his
fuming boxes inside of a sealed case left out doors that was hooked up to
a large flexible vent tube (guessing it as at least 50 ft.long) which was
set down wind of the group.
The mercury and bromide fumes are nothing to play with. I remember Ken
Nelson describing the first time he and a few friends tried the process.
When they entered the room the next day after the test they noticed that
every single piece of exposed metal had the surface corroded (window &
sink & door) from the fumes. This dispelled any interest I had in using
the process. The redeeming fact is that Dags can have astounding detail
and beauty.
Sincerely, Art
PS - The earlier returned message was a problem with my provider.
Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA
>On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Richard Sullivan wrote:
>> Art,
>> That's a good point. I'll talk to shlaer and see what we can do.
>Bob demonstrated the process at Ohio State University during the
>Daguerreian Society's 4th Annual Symposium in October, 1992. The
>demonstration was done separately from his presentation, but he did use
>school facilities. I could be wrong but I believe it was in chemistry
>building. The set up he had at that time was mobile and packed away in
>his car. He only used the lab to aid in demonstrating the process. As
>an aside, he took a group portrait of the symposium attendees which was
>If there is any way to have him demonstrate the process, I am certain the
>group would enjoy it.
>Sincerely, Art
>PS - This is a 2nd try; 1st reply strangely bounced back ?
>Art Chakalis
>Columbus, Ohio, USA
> At 08:58 AM 4/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Richard Sullivan wrote:
> >
> >> For those interested in Daguerrotypes I thought I would mention that one
> >> of the presenters at APIS 99 in Santa Fe will be Bob Shlaer. Bob has been
> >> working in Daguerrotype for close to 20 years (Maybe more) and is one of
> >> the foremost modern workers. Since the College of Santa Fe is shy about
> >> us boiling mercury in the auditorium, it will be a talk only session. I
> >> believe his wife Susan Barger, who is also an expert in Daguerrotype will
> >> be on hand to answer questions as well. Susan is a Professor of Chemistry
> >> and is the co-author of:
> >>
> >> The Daguerreotype : Nineteenth Century Technology and Modern Science
> >>
> >> by M. Susan Barger, William B. White
> >>
> >> For more on APIS (Alternative Photography International Synmposium)
> >> in Santa Fe in July check out our web site at
> >>
> >> --Dick Sullivan
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