Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 07:10:53 -0400
Gary Miller wrote:
> I have a number of medium format negatives that I would like to enlarge to
> 8x10 to print in Pt/pd/zia. I have been using lith reversal, but it can be
> a bit tedious. ...
Still, the best results I've seen are from a negative original (in
camera) to an enlarged positive (plus mask) to a contacted negative
(plus mask) to a final print. This may be what you call "tedious", but
the results are worth every moment.
Since you wish to arrive at a size of 8x10, I would highly recommend
using Kodak Commercial film # 4127 for the enlarged positives and
negatives and Kodak Kodalith film # 2556 for the masks. The 4127 is a
great film and is readily available in 4x5 and 8x10 sizes. I have never
found a film that delivered the characteristics I am after for Pt/Pd
better than the 4127 (and I've tried several). It will cost a bit since
it has probably the highest silver content of such films.
I have found that dodging and burning are as simple and easy using film
(maybe more so). In combination with the masks, one has more control
and control not possible with other techniques.
The only problem with 4127 is that is is no long easy to get sizes
larger than 8x10.
Details of this negative building process can be found in the guide on
my web site.
-- Jeffrey D. Mathias
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