Re: Diatamaceous earth
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 13:38:32 -0400 (EDT)

Judym Mac, et al: Here is Todd Walker's recipe, paraphrased from my book,
New Dimensions:

For 10 mins. soak paper in tray of 1 T. alum mixed with 1 qt. water at 90
degrees. Hang or fan dry paper.
Cover paper evenly w/ 1 layer spray starch, sprayed horizontally. Use sponge
to gently work starch into paper w/ horizontal strokes. Hang or fan dry.
Spray vertically and sponge vertically. Hang or fan dry.
Soak paper again in tray of plain 70 degree water for five minutes to remove
excess alum. Hang to dry.

Before each layer of color, I sponge brush paper with a layer of 1 part
Liquitex (or any good brand, or PVA glue) polymer matte (but gloss will
work--it's an aesthetic choice) medium to SIX parts water.

I've used this mehod with lots of papers, but prefer BFK.

Judy, when is issue #3 of Post Factory coming out? Not to pressure
you.....And are you going to be in Santa Fe this summer? I'd love to meet
you, if you are. I wrote to B&S asking to register me, so maybe I'll finally
get to meet Melody Bostick, the helpful voice that I've put orders through
for years.

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