Re: shooting was: 8 X 10 camera

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 00:08:33 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 11 Apr 1999, William Laven wrote:
> I must say I tire quickly of photographers, nearly always men, who discuss
> how they feel the human form is so beautfiul and only photograph 22-24 year
> old shapely, skinny women. Are they the only humans? Have they never seen
> John Coplans work? He's a human whose work says more about the human body
> than a hundred Ken Marcus wannabes.

Bill, I am forced by a higher power to send you a medal of honor for those
sentiments... and definitely as these things go, it's an *alternative*
thought. I add one term of speech ESPECIALLY in need of alternation ....
The practice of saying "nudes" to mean "female nudes." When someone says
"I'm going to shoot some nudes today," and I say, "you mean male nudes of
course," I nearly get shot. The term is used everywhere, even a recent
booktitle: "Nudes" is all girl.

I don't myself mind "shoot," BTW. (Who's afraid of Susan Sontag ?) I
suspect the term "photo shoot" is so generic now ... well I love the grab
shot, what else can I call it? The grab exposure? This could get like not
saying "died," but "passed away," even "passed," which is a hoot, if not a

xxxxxx's & oooooos


> OK, so this is alternative only in as much as it proposes an alternative
> approach to photographing the human figure, but I just had to get it out.
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