Jerry Nevins (
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 22:00:06 -0400
It depends on the exact process the instructor will be using... Contrast and
density is not the same thing....a well exposed negative with a nice H and D
curve from shadow to highlight with a somewhat higher contrast (prints well
on a grade 1 or 2 paper) should do just fine.
Bill Collins wrote:
> I will be taking a class in platnium/palladium printing this summer and
> would like to know what kind of negatives print best. My understanding
> is that contrasty, dense negs print well with this process.
> I will try to contact the instructor, but this may be difficult since the
> class is offered through a city summer art class program.
> The size of the negative is not a problem. I have an 8x10 Kodak 2D and a
> box of FP4 ready to go.
> Bill
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