Whorls continued

Chris Stone (cstone05@sprynet.com)
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:28:05 -0400

Desperately seeking more advice about them whorls (Newton's rings?), which appear to be Newton's rings, that are appearing when I sandwhich 4x5 negative film, emulsion to emulsion, to make interpositives. I've tried flipping the negatives and exposing through opposite sides, but had a distinct loss of sharpness. I've also tried coating the negs with a very light poof of fine talc. That appeared to work, but frankly, powdering my negatives scares the heck out of me. I don't know if the problem is orginating between the sheet glass and the original negative, or between the two negatives. Is it worth the investment to replace the sheet glass in the contact frame with anti-newton glass? Or would it be helpful to slip a sheet of mylar between the negatives? Any suggestions would be most welcome. Much thanks for your help.
-- Matthew Hoffman

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