Too Much about Too Much equipment?
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 22:54:31 -0400 (EDT)

We all take different pathways to achieve the images that we want. Whichever
way is better or worse is a personal choice based on personal interest,
comfortability, affordability, availability, and probably many many more

I personally think that we should get back to alt. process. I don't mean to
say that digital (or darkroom) is not related to alt. What I mean is it
doesn't matter whether it is digital or traditional darkroom, but we can talk
about how to prepare the negatives, what problems with have with the methods,
etc. etc. instead of general argument about the future of photography.

Discussion about the future of digital or darkroom is interesting, but they
are or have been discussed and debated in almost every newsgroup related to
photography. We need to be considerate for many members who are interested in
topics more directly related to alt. processes.

Dave S

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