Re: First try at Carbon Printing...

Campos & Davis Photos (
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:55:50 +0100

AS far as I know it will keep for ever in a fridge. We have some that is
four years old and works as good as the day we coated it, but we let it
warm up for a few hours first.

Campos & Davis Photos
6 Cranbourne Road
London N10 2BT
Tel/Fax + 44 181 883 8638

> From: Mac Legrandi <>
> To:
> Subject: First try at Carbon Printing...
> Date: Wednesday, 21 April, 1999 1:02 AM
> Hello!
> I've been wanting to try Carbon Printing for a long time. I've saved
messages from the archive on the process.
> A post I saved describes using Black Rotring Drawing Ink. Has anyone
tried other colors like Koh-I-Noor universal ink (red, blue etc?).
> I have 3 oz. of Knox Gelatine. Will this work okay? I don't have any hard
> Once the pigmented gelatine has dried (about how long does it take) can
it be saved for days, or must be used ASAP?
> Thanks!
> I can't wait to try this!!!
> Mac
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