Re: Scanner / Printer Combo for Alt. process [Was Re: costs of Digital is not *easier* [Was: Too much equipment]

Judy Seigel (
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:47:29 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, D.A. Saunders wrote:
> Also, Judy, what is the 18x22 inkjet you refer to?

It was an Epson, similar size to another for twice the price, except it
wouldn't print bleed (the Macwarehouse salesperson told me), & the other
did, also slightly less resolution. I planned to get it as soon as I'd
absorbed (think boa constricter) the meal of slide scanner currently
causing gastric distress...

Picking up the Macwarehouse catalog arrived today to answer your question,
however, I see it isn't there. Who knows what that means .. these are
indeed fast-changing times.

I'm rattled by Dave's news about the demise of Imagesetter. Not that I
myself would go to service bureau (none that I know of between 14th St &
Houston), but I've been led to think that our APH and APHS lith are made
or also used for digital exposure. If that dies, so could the film.. ???
Anybody know more on that? Dave???


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