Re: HEY, KODAK! Re: Digital is not *easier* [Was: Too much equipment]

Jonathan C Hall (
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 03:36:20 -0400

> > >making as we know it? Will there still be film available 10 years from
> now?
> >
> >

Yes there will still be film available 10 years from now and then some. This
sounds like the same conversation that was had in the late 1800's as to whether
photography will take over painting. It never did. The painters fears were
valid as they did not know the future but guess what they are still painting
portraits today. Can you believe it?

I just spoke at the Vermont Professional Photographers Association and covered
that topic. If we look to our past we can see our future. The future's so
bright I've got to wear shades. I have no fear of film disappearing. Some
things just can not be replaced. When they can sell a digital camera for $10.00
and memory does not cost but a few bucks to produce 36 images as well as the
quality having to meet a minimum quality requirement of 35 mm film as we know it
today plus having print media that will last at least as long as a gelatin
silver print we have no worries. They with all our so called technology can't
even make an archival ink yet which is ludicrous to me allays all my fears.

I know and work with some of the best commercial hotdoggers out there and they
have no fear of film disappearing.

One problem I see though is we as photographers spend all our time clucking with
one another over this and that when we need to be educating the public at light
speed. I work with platinum and palladium for the sake of art as well as in the
commercial field selling portraits as well as product. I showed the VPPA how to
print with palladium and platinum at my speaking engagement and guess what we
now have more palladium and platinum printers out there now as of this last

I should get a commission as I recommended they tap Bostick and Sullivan.

Hey Dick you out there? You are going to be getting more orders now.

To all those out there cheers keep on spreading the wealth of photography it's
history, culture and convey it's substance to the public. I can not stress this
enough educate, educate, educate.

As always I hope my comments don't offend and if they did I at least got you


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