Re: HEY, KODAK! Re: Digital is not *easier* [Was: Too much equipment]

Richard Lahrson (
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 00:42:51 -0700

Michael Keller wrote:
> BTW, if Kodak, Fuji, Nikon and Canon thought film was disappearing in ten
> years they would not have invested the tons of money they did in the
> Advanced Photo System.


     But look at all the formats Kodak has introduced over the years:
Instamatic, Disc cameras, 110 format, Koadak Instants even plus all the
old roll film sizes like 127 and sheet film sizes like 3 x 4.

     All these and others that do not come to mind at the moment had
a finite existence, and many represented substantial development costs.
I doubt if APS will live forever or much more than ten years.


                                                Rich Lahrson

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