Carl Weese (
Mon, 10 May 1999 16:01:58 -0400
To expand just a bit on Dick's comments -- I don't think there is
anything wrong with an individual artist finding his or her own Holy
Grail of expression, holding to it and refining it to the highest level
they can achieve. But I think it's a mistake to *teach* a single Way To
Do It. The role of a teacher, it seems to me, should be to expose
students to a broad range of possibilities and provide guidance to each
individual to help them find the most profitable personal pathways.
Provide the tools of expression, and let the students choose the
application of those tools. Platinum-metals printing is just one subset
of the whole range of photographic possibilities. Standard (whatever
that means) and alternate (whatever that means) processes should be a
rich reserve from which each worker mines the gems that most appeal.
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