Darlington Media Group (postmaster@mediaworkshop.demon.co.uk)
Wed, 19 May 1999 21:06:45 +0100
>Would anyone know what product is Cachin in english or portuguese language?
>It is a developer ingredient of a formula from a old Espanish book.
>So Cachin is a spanish name for the product.
>Adilson Dias da Silva
Cachin is probably better known as pyrocatechin or catechol
(orthodihydroxybenzene) C6H4(OH)2. It was introduced as a developer by J.M
Eder and Toth in 1880. The plate or needle like crystals are usually
translucent and smell strongly of "coal tar".
It readily oxidises and has a tanning effect on gelatin (similar, but not
interchangeable with pyrogallol) It is used as a developing agent in the
"Windisch Extreme Compensating" monochrome developer.
Regards .......Tony McLean
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