Carl Weese (
Sun, 23 May 1999 15:48:13 -0400
An effective way to print in pure platinum is to combine ammonium ferric
oxalate with standard platinum solution in equal amounts. Fully dry,
expose and then develop slowly by brushing with a small quantity of
developer (pot. oxalate or cold bath both work fine) diluted 1:1 or 1:2
with a good grade of glycerine. This method (referred to sometimes in
jest as "Extravagatype" because it's pure platinum) works dependably and
reliably on a good range of papers. It delivers lovely delicate prints
without graininess with about the same contrast as standard develop-out
prints in Pt/Pd mixtures. Contrast can be raised by adding ammonium
dichromate to the one shot developer mix.
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