Re: Pyro: Processing time for Kodak Plus-X

Robert Hudyma (
Tue, 25 May 1999 15:41:04 -0400

At 12:20 AM 5/25/99 -0300, you wrote:
>I wonder if anyone has information on processing times for Kodak Plus-X
>using Gordon Hutchings' PMK Pyro developer. This would be much

Go to and do a search for the following: PMK Plus-X

Be sure to look in the "past messages". You will find a discussion on
Plus-X in Pyro.

I just completed a weekend workshop run by Gordon Hutchings. Hutchings
really likes the Ilford films and is making a lot of images with the Ilford

It was quite clear that some films stained much better than others.

He is testing the BPF200 sheet film made by Bergger in 8x10, and it takes
on a massive stain in PMK. His comment was that it stained more than any
other film that he has tested.


Robert Hudyma, Semi-Tech Corporation, 2800 14th Avenue, Suite 511,
Markham Ontario, Canada L3R 0E4. Fax: (905) 475-3652

The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, even
if a stubborn one. - Albert Einstein

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