More joys of the digital negative.

Adam Kimball (
Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:00:39 -0700

My stack of paper is enormous now. Stacks of paper that worked well for Pt/Pd
but bad for Kallitype, good for Kallitype but bad for Pt/Pd. Good and bad for
gum. Good for Argyrotype. Printmaking papers for gravure. Tons. I had a
minor revelation the other night printing after I found out something I already
knew. Digital negs when printed with a point-source and vacuum frame are true
halftones. What happened was this.. I printed a big digital wedge on a paper
that I had mistaken for another. I developed and cleared the print, and was
amazed to see that the paper I was printing on had given me nothing but grief
every time I've tried it, yet the digital wedge was luscious. So, I printed
some analog wedges on it. They were awful. BUT - they had a nice black. And
thats the key. Since we are printing half-tones, black is the whole ball of

So, if you're still contemplating the digital game, you should know - all those
papers that never worked in the past.... they may come back to life. Say
goodbye to the old standards of Platinotype, Platine, etc and jump into
Whatman's, Gampi, and a whole host of others..


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