Steve Shapiro (
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 20:02:37 -0700
Warped! From -- [paraphrased] 'watchout for pyro, it gives off fumes' to:
Amidol gives off dangerous fumes.
Amidol is a fine powder that can become airborne and imbed itself as
particules in your lungs.
Pyro can give off an invisible gass that adheres to the liquids under your
eyelids. Don't mix it with your mouth open.
You few sound like children with post naisel drip.
Hey! The other day while developing film, my head in my hands, my elbows on
the counter; I realized face was inches from the tray. If this had been
pyro A,B, C, I might have experienced a mild burning of my eyes like
alergies, but in truth more severe. I took the time to caution you all,
S. Shapiro
PS There ARE lots of photographers who died, ressurecting old methods for
photography, within the last two decades.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Sinclair <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 1999 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: What does amidol do?
> Lukas
> The appropriate amount of amidol (2,4-diaminophenol) recommended for use
> with PMK, is in the region of 0.05 to 0.1 g/litre. Anything over that
> recommended amount will cause increased fog levels. I doubt that 0.07g/l
> would produce enormous amounts of any "invisible" gas.
> While my use of amidol goes back to about 40 years ago ... used primarily
> as a print developer, I gave it up when the price went too high as the
> amount of oxidation in the container increased and the difficulty of
> acquisition became greater. If I could get an easy and affordable supply,
> would gladly go back to contact printing large format negatives on Kodak's
> Azo paper.
> I would doubt the addition of amidol would make film processing any
> cheaper, although the increased EI (+/- 1/2 stop) might in some rare
> make it worth the effort
> >>>You need to elaborate on this some more. What is this "invisible gas"
> >>>"gets under the eyelids" ???????????
> >>>
> >
> >I just got some amidol which I want to use with pyro in tray
> >I am therefore also somewhat concerned about the "invisible gas", because
> >cherish my eyesight. Hutchings mentions nothing of this. Can somebody
> >elaborate it?
> >Lukas
> [||/\/\/\/\/\/\|| Ken Sinclair RBP, FBPA
> [|| ||-| Applied Photographic Services
> [|| || | Lethbridge,
> [|| || | Alberta, Canada,
> [|| ||-| (403) 381-1654.
> [||\/\/\/\/\/\/||
> _0___________0______
> |__________________ |
> O
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