Re: Toners for albumen prints

Keith Schreiber (
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 00:24:50 -0700

The following formulae are from Reilly's "Albumen and Salted Paper Book":

1. Borax Bath
        Borax (sodium borate)...........10 g
        1% Gold chloride solution.......40 ml make 1 liter

2. Sodium Acetate Bath
        fused Sodium acetate............20 g
        1% Gold chloride solution.......40-50 ml make 1 liter

3. Thiocyanate Toner
        Sodium thiocyanate...............15-20 g
        1% Gold chloride...................60-80 ml make 1 liter

These are for glossy albumen paper. For salted paper, use 1/4 to 1/2 as much
gold. Reilly says that the sodium acetate toner should be allowed to "ripen"
for 24 hours. I know that the borax must be dissolved in water at about
100°F, but I don't know about the others. My personal experience is limited
to using the gold/borax toner on plain salted paper.

There is much more of interest in Reilly's toning section which I can
excerpt in another post if anyone is interested. I know the book is
out-of-print and hard to find.

Keith Schreiber

----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Miller <>
To: Alternative Photo Group <>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 10:29 PM
Subject: Toners for albumen prints

> Can anyone on the list recommend a gold toning solution for albumen
> I promise that I will be responsible and buy the gold chloride. Promise.
> Gary Miller

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