Re: Bulbs

William Laven (
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 11:54:30 -0700 (PDT)

>William Laven wrote:
>> I have said that often. In my tests, Super Actinics, which emit a narrow
>> band peaking at 420nm, print faster then traditional "black light" bulbs,
>> which emit a broad band that peaks at 350 or 360nm. A friend of mine did
>> comparisons of BL vs. Super Actinics with POP and found the SA's produced
>> shorter exposure times and at least a grade's worth more contrast.
>Not to purposely throw a 'monkey wrench' into the discussion, but do the
>'shorter' times apply both to 'staight' negs and to ones processed in Pyro?
 My tests were done on negs in HC110. I've recently switched to Pyro and
while some negs definitely take longer than the silver negs, I've not
compared BL's to SA's w/those negs. It would be an interesting and valuable
test, though, since the pyro stain would presumably blocks different
percentages of the lights; the SA's, having more "blue" light, might block
even more. Maybe someday, some year, I'll test again, but I'd like to keep
making pictures not test strips.

                           WILLIAM LAVEN PHOTOGRAPHY

   Workshops and tutorials in Platinum/Palladium printing and Zone System.

   1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
   415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)


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