Katharine Thayer (kthayer@pacifier.com)
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 09:01:18 +0000
Hi Dave,
If you're represented by a gallery or galleries, it's considered bad
practice to undercut their prices. I used to do it once in a while for
friends but felt guilty about it and finally stopped doing it. Now I
sleep better at night and my friends buy through the gallery like
everyone else. And besides, though there's been a lot of talk here
about setting prices based on cost, it wouldn't make sense, if you think
about it, to have your prints priced all over the map based on differing
Katharine Thayer
> >From: FotoDave@aol.com
> >To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> >Subject: Re: Pricing prints.
> >Date: Wed, Jul 21, 1999, 7:55 AM
> >
> > My question is suppose one sells through a gallery *and* through arts
> > fair
> > and/or other means like mail order, internet sales, etc., due to
> > different
> > overheads as mentioned above, can s/he price the same prints
> > differently?
> > That is, can s/he price a print for $1000 in a gallery, but price it
> > $700 if
> > purchased through his web site? Is it considered unfair competition or
> > unethical to the gallery? <SNIP>
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