Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 23:32:04 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Bill_Lucas wrote:
A couple of afterthoughts:
> I'm still alive and testing. Thanks Judy for the detailed information. I
> checked on my potassium ferricyanide and the color looks nice and orange
> red as usual.
I don't remember who, but someone commented that his potassium
ferricyanide *keeps* indefinitely. In my experience that's true -- this k
fe was contaminated right from the start. The jar when opened was orange
with big yellow lumps.
> .... I only use the sun as my light
> source and here in Michigan we only have quality sun for about 5 months a
> year,
I'm curious if you've ever tried the *winter sun.* I myself don't have
enough sun to cover a postage stamp, but Sarah Van Keuren says
(Post-Factory #3) that "The actinic power of the sun at high noon in
January is not as different from the June strength as one might imagine.
I... guess it could be half to three-quarters as strong." Which is to say,
she prints by sunlight in January -- gum over cyanotype. Although gum is 4
times faster, there's still that cyanotype... She's in Pennsylvania,
which probably has more light -- but I pass it along, FWIW.
> ....so the pressure for me to work is normally high, but this added
> monkey wrench made me unbearable to be around.
Quite rightfully so -- and very effective it is, too. I stormed and
thundered around the house due to scanner failure for days. This magically
caused the company 3000 miles away to send a replacement (or at least
promise one).
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