Re: What the ???

Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 12:50:33 -0400

Open response to Dave,

I certainly agree with the bulk of what you stated in your post, and in
fact do practice such ambassadorship when photographing. However, your
point that I am somehow reluctant to share information could not be
farther from reality. It would not be difficult to find those who will
tell you that I will go out of my way to explain a technicality and
answer any of their questions if I can. And I'll let them know when I
can't. I certainly believe that complete and accurate information
should be disseminated freely.

Make photographs in isolation, I sometimes do that. Photograph with
other photographers, I sometimes do that. I've had a drunken vet wonder
up and breath on the lens in Philadelphia. I've had a hiker
accidentally (or maybe not) kick the tripod just before the exposure was
to be made. I've diverted into conversations for over an hour with some
passerby. Some days I've even had all conversation and no exposures.

The point is that I really expected something a bit different from folks
involved with alt-photo, after all they are a bit different from the
typical public. What is so unusual to an alt-photographer about using a

Anyhow, I met several new people with whom I hope to have long and
bountiful relationships (some that I feel can help improve my work), as
well seeing several old acquaintances. But I do feel that I spent a
disproportionate amount of the time talking technique, perhaps in
answering those questions.

Jeffrey D. Mathias

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