Re: Need some advise on making a contact printing light for alt process
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 02:51:22 -0500

Thanks to all for the assistance. I would like to point out that I did go to
the archives for information, however I also wanted to get some personal
opinions from current list members as some of the archive posts are kinda
older. Also it would be much easier if this archive had a simple PERL search
script to simply finding specific information.

Special thanks to Judy and John for the approximate exposure estimates. Once I
have the printer constructed I will do some tests on exposure times. I realy
just wanted a general feel for how long exposures would be using the lamps as
opposed to using the sun (... I print in sun in about 2 to 3 min).

Agian thanks for the assistance.

David Lee

Judy Seigel wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, John Richardson wrote:
> > I use 8 4' (40 watt) uncoated Sylvania type BL tubes. They are spaced
> > just far enough apart so that I can get my fingers in between to change
> > them. My negative is located approx 6 inches from the tubes. Average
> > exposure times on HP5 plus are between 6 and 10 minutes with this
> You don't say in which medium.... They aren't all the same.
> My own experience, BTW, is that 3 inches is fine & twice as fast. We've
> done so many threads on this I didn't repeat, but fact is it seems
> practically impossible to get "hot spots" or banding with fluorescents.
> As for the blacklight blue fluorescent bulbs (BLB) they're same as the
> BLs, but with all but one wavelength cut out by the special glass --
> making them about 1/3 slower, also (usually) more expensive. This, too, is
> in the archive.
> Judy
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> | Judy Seigel, Editor >
> | World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
> | >

David Lee
Southwestern Bell Internet Services
Technical Center

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