Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.edu)
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 13:18:19 -0700
Dear Tom Hawkins
I've not been as fortunate as Sandy King in his European travels and have had a
1/2-way decent amount of film "damaged".
what occurred was a 'swirling' fog of the film's emulsion and when printing
showed up as juuuust slightly lighter areas. We recently traveled through five
European and African countries and I had my film checked by hand. On the English
side of the Eurostar (chunnel train) they were adamant to the point of being
testy in that their scanners would not damage film. I don't take the chance
anymore after having it damaged twice.
Another thought is that you should NEVER place film in your checked luggage as
there is often a very powerful scanner for luggage not carried on the plane.
If you are uptight (and I am now) have a package containing the film held
separate from your luggage and easy to check. Too, if placed in luggage, you
ought to wrap it with one of the newer anti-xray film wrappers.
As a final note … my film was Fuji 1600 color negative and very high speed film.
My slower films did not acrue damage and I do believe you won't be carrying such
high speed film.
But, I'd certainly think caution whilst traveling with your precious latent
Jack Fulton
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