Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.edu)
Mon, 02 Aug 1999 06:58:20 -0700
Dea Ginger
Peeling is simple.
RC print. Tray of fairly hot (115º+ … what you feel is okay for your hands) and
let the image sit for , oh, say, 3 minutes.
Either take the photo out of the water and by slowly rubbing a corner with your
forefinger toward you. i.e.: pull your finger slowly from the point of a corner
toward you …… the corner will lift slightly from the paper underneath. Sometimes
this works beter while remaining submersed in the hot water.
By continuing in this manner, under the water, you will peel the total 'skin'
from the paper.
After, you can continue to rub, under the hot water, all the pieces of paper
still sticking to the RC vinvl photograph.
You ought not to worry much as the material is rather strong.
Jack Fulton
> > I do remember some sort of RC paper that peels thus making great paper
> >negatives without waxing. I would be interested in that name.
> > Ginger Sheridan
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