by way of Matt Baker (
Mon, 02 Aug 1999 16:56:59 -0400 (EDT)
and carl,jeffrey, and the rest of the list:
i'm sorry, my mind slipped a little. I meant to mention that you can
minimize the occurence of these white spots also if you give the
surface of the paper a good rub down with the palm of your hand before
you coat it. some of these "gumball ufos" can either be rubbed off or
rubbed down so that they are less of a nuisance.
this is not really important but may be of interest to some
nevertheless. these spots, either in addition to gumballs of size or
instead of being sizing clumps, could also be due to little but hard
knots of paper fibers that slip through the cotton refining and
papermaking processes.
ps. this rub down is really important to do if you externally surface
size most any paper with starch before you use it.
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