Re: Cyanotype by Allan Jenkins

From: Judy Seigel (
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 05:38:28 /etc/localtime

The color of the tannic-acid-toned cyanotypes is determined more by method
than by formula, that is, the same formula can give a range of tones
depending on timing and sequence in the baths. Sorry I don't have time
for more specifics at this moment, but has to be keyed anyway to your own
ingredients, water, paper, depth of print, etc.


> I have seen in the issue AG+ photographic N°16 (I read also
> Post-Factory issue !), extraordinary prints from Allan Jenkins. They
> are cyanotypes which are tone. I have never seen this tone. The
> results is a too warm tone. Anyone know what for toned cyanotype
> process it is ? Allan Jenkins is represented by HackelBury Gallery in
> London. He was the student from Bruce Rae...
> Great thanks.

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