Formatted text and Attachments

From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 03:42:51 /etc/localtime

Folks, PLEASE disable HTML or other formatted text when posting to this
list, or for that matter, to any mailing list. Netscape users should turn
off the visiting card feature. These all show up as atachments to mail on
many news readers. They also increase the size of a post by many times the
amount taken up by the text content.
  HTML can make the text almost unreadable on some simple news readers.
 Remember that many list subscribers are using simple equipment or are on
networks where they have no choice of software.
  The HTML or other options are easily set in both Microsoft Outlook
Express and Netscape, the two worst offenders. I believe both programs may
come with default settings which turn on all these options.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.

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