On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Jonathan Hall wrote:
> The plate upon being vaporized with iodine is rendered light sensitive as
> the silver is now silver iodide and bromide. When exposed after an
> extremely long period it is then fumed with mercury. Where the plate was
The "extremely long" exposure is probably for dags fumed without
bromine... Otherwise exposure can be mere seconds.
What Bob Schramm forgot to say was that his fascinating article on "How a
little old alternate-process printer from a small town in West Virginia
learned to make a daguerreotype," including ALSO how to make your own fume
hood, mercury pot, and so forth and so on, is now in production at
Post-Factory, Issue #4, the "Beauty from Poison" issue -- and how I knew
the above... and so much more. (And no, I am NOT going to make one,ever,
just enjoy vicariously.)
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
| <http://rmp.opusis.com/postfactory/postfactory.html>
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