Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:16:08 -0500 (EST)
Thanks for the very informative post on gelatin. Gelatin is really an amazing
> The dry, or shall we more accurately say solid, gelatin film has reached
> its state of maximum cross linking. Adding hardener at this stage isn't
> really going to increase the number of cross links.
Yes, but most of the harderners we talked about here is water based, be it
formaldehyde, glyoxal, or alum. I might be wrong, but the way I understand it
is when you use the harderner on the "dry" or solid gelatin, the unharden
gelatin will swell again and absorb the harderner and then get hardened by
it, so in that sense the harderner is not really acting on the "dry" gelatin.
Dave S
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