Nick Makris (
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:22:58 -0800
Hello again,
Recently was setting up a Lightjet 5000 test for printing my digital negs -
my goal was to be able to compare the best I was able to create from the
desktop with what I understand is the best available today (6000 lpi). The
images seem to be satisfactory (or quite good) on the Epson 1520. But I
want to see the difference. Soooooo....
In the process of choosing the resolution for the composite image which is
24X24, with 8 images of various sizes, including a step wedge and the Adobe
Ole No Moire image, I decided on 400SPI/DPI. It wasn't until later
(naturally) that I discovered that this departure from my own digital
negative procedures (which specifies 360DPI for the Epson 1440 dpi printers)
caused posterization in the darkest of areas on a positive print. As you
may know from previous posts, Epson techs have stated that if you send an
image greater than 360 to a 1440DPI printer, the printer will interpolate.
I have never heard the actual rational for how this works, but I suspect
that it has to do with 1444 divided by 4 (colors). For the record, the same
image previously printed properly in the particular area of the sky.
I haven't had time to tinker with these assumptions. If you have any input
on this, I'd like to hear.
Many thanks,
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