Re: Fresson article in "Reponses Photo" of June 1999

Tom Sobota (
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:39:34 +0100


A 12.53 11/11/99 -0500, ha escrito:
>But last month I was reading "Jose Ortize Echague" and found in it he says
that he prepares his
>own carbondir paper.

Yes, in his later years (not sure when) he bought the patent (and the
coating equipment) from Fresson. These were later bought by Luis Nadeau.
What he called 'carbondir' (from spanish 'Carbon directo', i.e. direct
carbon, without transfer, was actually the same Fresson process. But his
period of greater activity was before this, starting at the beginning of
the century, or perhaps before.

>(btw, I have always wanted to ask this: how do you pronounce "Echague?" (I
assume Jose is
>pronounce with an "H" like Hosea?)
Yes. And Echague goes more or less like this:

E as in Emily
CH as in riCH
A as in Anderson
G as in Go
Ü as in yoU
E as in End.

There are two small points on the U, that is why it is actually pronounced.
Otherwise, in Spanish GUE sounds like GE (Che GUEvara comes to mind :-)

The root of the word comes probably from the basque Eche (or Etxe like it
is nowadays written) which means 'house'. Not sure about the 'gÜe', though.
Perhaps he had basque ancestors, but I think that he was born in
Guadalajara, near Madrid.

Tom Sobota
Madrid, España

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