Re: RC negatives - stripping paper

Nick Makris (
Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:01:46 -0700

>Jonathan Lee wrote:
>>>A 5N (normal) NaOH is 200g/liter sodium hydroxide. A 50% solution is
>500g/liter. Provided that it is kept sealed, there should be no problem
>using this solution more or les indefinietly. Wear gloves and eye
>protection, lab coat if you have it. As NaOH solutions go, a 5N isn't that
>nasty or odorous but can cause skin burns.

Since then I have found that what I have is 20% Sodium Hydroxide and at that
strength, its affect on the paper is minimal. Does anyone know what/how
much to add to increase it to 50%.

Please be basic - chemistry is not my strong suit.

Many thanks,


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