rob (
Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:55:01 -0400
A crucial telecommunications line was severed by a workman (workperson?)
here in Ohio (Friday morning, October 1st) . I think it was the gas company.
A lot of internet traffic was redirected to London and Netherlands. I
thought it was fixed by mid day but maybe not!
rob altomonte
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Seigel <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, October 02, 1999 2:32 AM
Subject: uh oh... ?
>I forwarded some "delivery failed" messages to Gord (they come here ...
>who can say why?... they like me/they hate me), and for the first time in
>photo history, they came back marked "deferred, connection timed out."
>Meanwhile, my other ESP, a great big company with 2 million transmitters
>and more cyberwatts than NASA, has been entirely out of commission, I mean
>DOWN ! for nearly 2 days. And there has been of course, but a line or two
>from Alt Photo.
>Is this premature Y2K ? End of the world as we know it? All service
>providers down?...or simply a concatenation of circumstances?
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