Re: Adobe vs. Corel

Wayde Allen (
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:34:51 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Dennis Southwood wrote:

> Do any of you have an opinion on the relative merits of Adobe Photoshop and
> Corel Photo-paint? I could buy the full Corel Draw 9 suite for less than
> the cost of Adobe Photoshop 5.5 alone. Should I? Would you?

I'd seriously consider checking out the GNU Image Manipulation Program
(GIMP) <>. Your cost is what it takes to download and
install it. The GIMP was originally developed under Linux (which you can
also get for free), but I think that there is some work underway to port
it to the Windows environment <> or
<>. The Linux version works very
well, I can't say anything about the windows port.

This is kind of "alternative digital imaging", and you'd have to get
your hands a bit dirty. How about giving it a try and reporting back
to us?

- Wayde

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