Re: Adobe vs. Corel

James Palma (
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:30:46 -0400

To extend this further:

There is a new Linux distribution for those who don't want to go through all
the hassle of installing a separate Linux set-up. It installs right over
Windows and allows Linux to run in a Windows session. See This is a beta distribution.

BTW, I have used the GIMP and it is a very capable program, but not as
capable as PhotoShop.

BTW II, I have used many other Corel programs and find them to work very
well. I'm sure that CorelDRAW and PhotoPaint would work well and have at
least 95% of the features found in PhotoShop (older versions have worked
well for me, even though I now use Illustrator and PhotoShop). Note that
DRAW is a vector-based program like Adobe Illustrator. Photo editing would
be done in PhotoPaint. You can have a virtual tour if you have a fast
enough connection at


----- Original Message -----
From: Wayde Allen <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Adobe vs. Corel

> On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Dennis Southwood wrote:
> > Do any of you have an opinion on the relative merits of Adobe Photoshop
> > Corel Photo-paint? I could buy the full Corel Draw 9 suite for less
> > the cost of Adobe Photoshop 5.5 alone. Should I? Would you?
> I'd seriously consider checking out the GNU Image Manipulation Program
> (GIMP) <>. Your cost is what it takes to download and
> install it. The GIMP was originally developed under Linux (which you can
> also get for free), but I think that there is some work underway to port
> it to the Windows environment <> or
> <>. The Linux version works very
> well, I can't say anything about the windows port.
> This is kind of "alternative digital imaging", and you'd have to get
> your hands a bit dirty. How about giving it a try and reporting back
> to us?
> - Wayde
> (

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