Re: jobo 4x5 film reel

John Rudiak (
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:56:23 -0600


You have the old style reels- they were improved- now hold six sheets and were
redesigned for more even development. I also have the expert drums and haven't
noticed that they develop more evenly than the new style reels- (i don't use pyro)
but i have noticed more carry-over with the expert drums when using them for E-6.


Judy Seigel wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Oct 1999 wrote:
> > > If you are using the jobo 4x5 film reel (#2509N) with or without the guide
> > &
> > > loader please tell me what you think of it.
> >
> > It works beautifully!
> >
> > I originally ordered the loader also but never got it, so I am using the film
> > reel without the loader. After some practice you really don't need the
> > loader. I can load 6 4x5 sheets of panchromatic film unto the reel in
> > complete darkness without problem.
> >
> Dave, I'm wondering if I've missed a(nother) beat: Is this the jobo tank
> for 4x5 film development you're talking about? If so, I'm curious about
> one thing. The instructions that came with mine say theoretically it takes
> 6 sheets but for optimum results only load 4.
> That was bought maybe 10 or more years ago, so models may have improved by
> now -- do you suppose? (Or maybe the fellow who loads 6 sheets in complete
> darkness without a problem has other special powers on tap?)
> cheers,
> Judy

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