Re: Clicio Barroso <>
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:28:49 -0400

Pretty stern words, considering this situation is probably do to some
computer glitch. Sure, I got a tad terse when I saw them appear
again and again, but I also soon realized it was undoubtedly
completely out of Clicio's control.

And as far as the Parkinsons disease quip, I find absolutely no
humour there whatsoever!


Keith Krebs wrote:

>I would ask for an apology IN ENGLISH (I know this opens me to charges of
>bigotry or unnecessary ethnocentricity from some corners, but this was an
>English language list the last time I checked), to the entire list membership
>before you even consider allowing him to post again....
>I can understand even a few copies... But over 20... What's the problem?
>Advanced Parkinson's got him hitting the send button over and over again?
>Keith Krebs

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