Lukas Werth (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:28:52 +0200
At 11:59 22.10.99 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello out there,
>I need to know the formula of: sodium meta borate (also known as kodalk).
>I would like to buy some for making a pyro dev.
>The people at Merck (chem.suppl) can't find it in there catalog. the say
>that it probably ia a trivial name (stangely enough i thought that kodalk
>was the trivial name. buy the way, has it got anything to do with Kodak or
>is it just coinsidence).
>Thanks for all info
>Greetings from holland
>Gerard de Vrueh
The German term for sodium is "Natrium". Could this be the reason the
people you have been in contact with did not find it?
I got "sodium metaborate tetrahydrate" from Fluka, works fine with pyro.
By the way, I develop in trays, and seeing this endless string about tubes
and motor drives and what not, I think I am going to stay with my trays for
the time being.
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