Richard Knoppow (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:50:58 -0700
At 11:59 AM 10/22/1999 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello out there,
>I need to know the formula of: sodium meta borate (also known as kodalk).
>I would like to buy some for making a pyro dev.
>The people at Merck (chem.suppl) can't find it in there catalog. the say
>that it probably ia a trivial name (stangely enough i thought that kodalk
>was the trivial name. buy the way, has it got anything to do with Kodak or
>is it just coinsidence).
>Thanks for all info
>Greetings from holland
>Gerard de Vrueh
The only MSDS I could find on the site was for sodium
metaborate hydrate, no formula given, CAS No. 15293-77-3 made by
Signa-Aldrich Chemical Co. of Milwaukee Wis.
The name Kodalk is no coincidence, Kodak patented a process for making
the stuff and sold it umder that name (KODak ALKali). It is composed of
sodium hydroxide (by memory, it may be carbonate) and borax. The process
for making it has been posted, I think to this list at some point, but
certainly to the Usenet group. A search of
should find it.
Curiously enough Kodak does not list it by either trade name or chemical
name amoung the MSDS on their site. I suspect they stopped making it when
they sold their chemical division (The Tennesee Eastman Co) some years ago.
The entry in the Photo-Lab-Index gives the formula as Na2B2O4.4H2O
FWIW the patents are: USP 1,976,299 and 1,990,800
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.
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