Re: sodium meta borate (kodalk)

Cor Breukel (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:39:02 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Anschell (the darkroom cookbook):

For most practical purposes balanced alkali is the same as Kodalk:

10 grams of Balanced Alkali


1.3 g Sodium Hydroxide
6 g borax (sodium diborate)

Cor Breukel

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Richard Knoppow wrote:

> At 11:59 AM 10/22/1999 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hello out there,
> >
> >I need to know the formula of: sodium meta borate (also known as kodalk).
> >
> >I would like to buy some for making a pyro dev.
> >
> >The people at Merck (chem.suppl) can't find it in there catalog. the say
> >that it probably ia a trivial name (stangely enough i thought that kodalk
> >was the trivial name. buy the way, has it got anything to do with Kodak or
> >is it just coinsidence).
> >
> >Thanks for all info
> >Greetings from holland
> >Gerard de Vrueh
> >
> The only MSDS I could find on the site was for sodium
> metaborate hydrate, no formula given, CAS No. 15293-77-3 made by
> Signa-Aldrich Chemical Co. of Milwaukee Wis.
> The name Kodalk is no coincidence, Kodak patented a process for making
> the stuff and sold it umder that name (KODak ALKali). It is composed of
> sodium hydroxide (by memory, it may be carbonate) and borax. The process
> for making it has been posted, I think to this list at some point, but
> certainly to the Usenet group. A search of
> should find it.
> Curiously enough Kodak does not list it by either trade name or chemical
> name amoung the MSDS on their site. I suspect they stopped making it when
> they sold their chemical division (The Tennesee Eastman Co) some years ago.
> The entry in the Photo-Lab-Index gives the formula as Na2B2O4.4H2O
> FWIW the patents are: USP 1,976,299 and 1,990,800
> ----
> Richard Knoppow
> Los Angeles,Ca.

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