Re: Densitomiters

Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:29:26 -0400

Tom Ferguson wrote:
> ...
> If you are either enough of a "control freak" that you just have
> to have to own a densitometer, or are truly doing the research
> that requires that level of precision: just ignore me ;-)...

Whoa, hold on to your money!

A method such as the "two hole" method Tom mentions (which has been
around for many, many years) is likely the most accurate. The eye is
far more accurate in judging differences in density than a
densitometer. I recall an article from Scientific American (back in the
seventies) discussing the eye's capability to discriminate a
differential of three photons or some such small amount. Electronic and
light sensitive devices still have not yet achieved the discrimination
or precision of the eye.

Also, more important than the exact value of individual tones is the
apparent value.
Tones will be influenced by their nieboring tones (important to consider
in a Pt/Pd print).

Jeffrey D. Mathias

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