Re: Border, Golden Rod, Acetate

Judy Seigel (
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:09:15 -0400 (EDT)

Philben sells golden rod paper by the 100-sheet pack, size about 12 by 18
inches -- & comes to maybe (if memory serves) 30 cents a sheet. And it's
yellow -- with red grid lines.

Advantage (besides price) is it's easy to mark on, cut with razor or
scissors, tear, whatever -- I have a bunch of *strips* of it I use to
cover sloppy emulsion edges. Also because it's so easy to cut and is thin,
it's easy to cut into quite precise mask shapes. The red lines running in
both directions are extremely handy cutting guides.

And like the other masking materials, it's opaque to UV light, & not to
tungsten -- so you can see through it on a light table, to outline or fit,
yet use it for masking in your plate burner or UV system.

Disadvantage is it's paper, so if you get it wet, will stick to neg, and
wrinkle up, also as I recall the dye will run.


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