Outlook Express users Virus Warning

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From: Gordon J. Holtslander (holtsg@duke.usask.ca)
Date: 04/01/00-05:51:41 PM Z

Hi List:

Anyone who uses Microsoft's Outlook express to read their email is likely
infected with the VBS.KakWorm virus (or more accurately a worm)

This worm will infect Outlook Express when the reader reads an infected
email, unless the system has been "patched".

A recent message sent by

        BRIAN ELLIS entitled
        IR Talk

contains this worm.

ken (watsok@frii.com) read Brian post and has it.

If you use Outlook Express don't read any of these messages. I advise all
Outlook Express users to insure that their systems are patched before
reading any messages with attachments.

Any Outlook Express users will get this virus unless they have patched
their system. The virus uses a known security hole (or bug) in Microsoft
Outlook Express. A patch is available from Microsoft's Web site at


I am unable to prevent any virus or worms from being sent through the
alt-photo list. I recommend that everyone install a good and up to date
anti-virus program. (Or use a system that is not prone to viruses ;) )

I do not condone sending email attachments through this list and would be
quite happy if everyone deleted any attachment sent through the list.

Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
holtsg@duke.usask.ca 112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2

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