Re: book recommendation

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From: Tom Sobota (
Date: 04/27/00-07:57:58 AM Z


As others on this list have already mentioned, the inverse square law only
works for puntual light sources, i.e. sources whose radius is negligible
compared with the distance to the illuminated object. In your case, a bank
of 48" tubes at 12 inches from the subject hardly can be considered puntual!


A 14.28 26/4/00 -0800, ha escrito:
>Regarding exposure time vs. distance with U.V. lights - I recently
>halved my printing distance - from 12 inches to 6 inches, expecting the
>inverse square law to shorten my exposusre times. This is with 8 48
>inch BL tubes. Printing times are exactly the same!
>John Richardson

Tom Sobota
Madrid, Espaņa

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