Polaroid pos/neg films do not respond (much) to overdevelopment.
Sorry. One method that will work to increase a pos/neg is to
selenium tone the neg. Use 50% pure out of the bottle Kodak
selenium toner and 50% working strength hypo clear. After the
neg is cleared and washed, tone in this selenium bath for between
1 and 5 minutes. It will add quite a bit of contrast. Do wear
gloves and work in good ventilation.
-- Tom Ferguson tomf2468@pipeline.com http://www.pipeline.com/~tomf2468/index.html---------- >From: "Kah Heng, Tan" <kahheng@pacific.net.sg> > Hi all > > Thanks for the tips! > > Does anyone have any tips on how I can get a longer scaled image from > Polapan? Are there any tricks that have not been documented? Polaroid > recommends overexposure (naturally, to get more shadow details). Would >a subsequent underdevelopment help? <BIG SNIP>
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