I have been very carefully rubbing the goo off of my
P/N55 negs with my thumb while washing. I find you
can kind of push the goo down the neg, rinse briefly in
water, then dunk in the sodium sulfate solution again
and rub some more with the neg wet with solution.
(When the neg is wet with water, it is slimier but the
goo doesn't seem to come off as easily).
Trim your fingernails first, but I have not found that it
damages the neg if your careful. I quess it helps to have
a high tolerance for things gooie.
Polaroid recommends a 20 to 25 second development at
70 degrees. I assume that the very small amount of developer
present gets exhausted quickly, so that any development
past a necessary threshold is a waste of time. I figure if I
go a full minute, since I'm usually out in the cold, even with
the packet stuck under my jacket, that I will get a full
development, and that if it goes too long, it will make little
difference. How long do most of you out there develop
your P/N 55?
How long can you carry an exposed P/N55 neg around before
you have to get it in the bucket? I have found that if you
do not rip the pos print out of the packet, but carefully fold
the packet back up with the neg resting against the pos
print, that you can carry that around for several hous before
you get it into the bucket. I haven't ever let one dry up.
Will they still clear after they dry?
>Thanks for the post!
>I'll check it out.
>I too doubt a need for fixer.
>The slime really isn't easy to get rid off is it??!!!
O'Reilly & Associates
Larry Watson
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