Re: Albumin negs

From: Tom Sobota (
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 22:08:31 /etc/localtime


I'm still looking for the information. When I have something more precise,
I'll let you know.

A 12.55 8/1/00 -0800, ha escrito:
>...There is a web site that deals with wet plate processes, but when I
asked about coating albumen on glass I got little response.

You mean the Civil War reenactors? Yes, they seem to be chiefly interested
in wet plate. Nice process too, once you get accostumed to sniffing all
that ether and the potassium cyanide :-) But nothing about albumin coated
plates there...

>...I was even thinking if it would be posible to reverse process a glass
plate into a positive.

Good idea! Why not, after all it is a silver halide based process, only the
substrate changes. You would do this to prepare transparencies?

>...if the chemical reactions are the same for modern silver paper/film as
with these older silver processes. Could Albumen be bleached flashed and
redeveloped into a positive?
Well, I have never attempted albumin negatives preparation, so I cannot be
certain, but in principle it seems very feasible, however some
experimentation will be clearly necessary. I wonder if preparing the
solutions as if for a paper positive, but coating instead a glass plate and
exposing in a camera will be enough... From what I have read, extending
albumin on glass is easier than extending gelatin, it sticks nicely to the

If you manage to get some information, let me know too.


Tom Sobota
Madrid, Espaņa

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