Re: Toning Vandyke Prints / Rolleiflex pn heads

From: Judy Seigel (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 18:19:11 /etc/localtime

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Andre Fuhrmann wrote:
> >Which one? All I see listed are Kallitypes.
> Vandykes _are_ kallitypes.
> Kallitype = (sensitizing with ferric iron + image forming with silver)

Because there are significant differences in the process, there's at least
a strong case for separate categories -- as was argued on this list a few
years a go.

The final image may have the same components (or not, do we know for
sure?) but given the differences in process, control, ingredients, color,
etc. to my mind would do a disservice to both media to lump as one.


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