The first time I used my cold light + integrator, I was so happy, I ran
15 copies of a photo off on variable contrast paper without developing
them. Only the last picture came out right. The rest were sorely
overexposed. This, it turned out, was due to the change in color
temperature of the bulb.
I don't think the effect is really important except for VC papers - I've
never seen anything observable with graded papers (or gum, for that
matter). Neat stuff, still, and it really threw me for a loop before I
figured it out.
I might add, further, that strange things also happen when you use step
tablets with Aristo green lamps (V-57, I think). For some reason or
another, the steps cease being 1/3 f-stop apart on VC paper. Isn't
photography wonderful?
Cheers, and congratulations on a great issue!. Ed
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